Let Freedom Ring!

As we enjoy our July 4th weekend, let’s take a few minutes away for the grilled hot dogs and burgers, the parades and fireworks and from floating down our beautiful rivers.  I suggest we use this time to celebrate our nation’s past, acknowledge where we are in the present and pledge to set attainable goals as to how “We the People” can effect positive changes in our future and the lives of others.  Not one of us was an American founding father in Philadelphia signing our “Document to Freedom”.  Yet everyone one of us has been given the opportunity to receive those “Benefits of Freedom” bestowed upon to us some 250 years ago.  Today we are given multiple opportunities to be strong leaders and anointed followers in America’s “Divine Freedom.”  We are free to worship (or not) as we choose and to say what we choose. (Within reason) The question is, “how are we going to sustain these “Opportunities of Freedom” in future?”  Each of us has to answer for ourselves. This is not a political or social statement, just one person’s thoughts on the sustainability of our freedom. Take the time to thank God for “Our Freedom”; “The Freedom” that can never be taken from us or taken for granted.

God Bless America, and every other nation on this earth!

I am enough, just as I am.

By William Sparks Smith


I am enough, just as I am.

Unfinished, Imperfect

Uncertain of the road I choose.

Yet, certain that I must continue.

I cannot go back


I am not enough for some

And too much for others.

I struggle with myself

I wrestle with fear

I avoid the parts of me that are dark and unavoidable


Yet I want to hide no more

I am alive.

I know because I feel

In my eyes

I am damaged, hurting, healing

And in need of improvement

But in the eyes of God

And in the place where grace abides

I know I am enough

How to Keep Your Customers Smiling

When your customers leave your business and return to their “real” world, wouldn’t it be great if you knew for certain that they would be doing business with you again because they had just received the ultimate customer experience.  Doesn’t it make sense that these loyal fans would immediately go out and tell everyone they know about this wonderful business and that these new customers would come rushing through your doors begging you to take their money?

Reality check!  It just doesn’t work out that way.  Generally speaking, the opposite will happen.  Your customer leaves your business and rarely says anything to anyone regarding their shopping experience, unless…. it’s a bad one.  Then, they will tell everyone they know about the horrible experience they have had, vow to never do business with the establishment again, and will “un-friend” anyone who they find out has done so.

So how do you keep your customers smiling and eager to give you their hard earned money?  Here are 3 strategies that, when understood and used regularly, will not only strengthen your position with your current customers but will encourage these customers to become “talking billboards” and “raving fans” of you and your business.

Why do people do business with you?

Doesn’t it make sense that people choose to do business with those that they know, like and trust?   Make this a priority. Take the time to let your customers get to know you.  As they realize who you are, you will be in a position to learn about the people who want to put money in your pocket.  Remember, your customers have choices.

Tell folks what you do, how you do it and why you are passionate about what you do.  You are there to serve your clientele and provide for their needs. You have to be personable.  Having a bad day?  Keep it to yourself.  Smile and be nice.  Who wants to deal with a sour puss?  Smiles are contagious, and odds are that your customers will like you and still be smiling when they leave.

Trust is something that is earned.  If you tell your customer you are going to do something for them, deliver on a certain day or call them back, DO IT.  Don’t make promises that can not keep.  A good philosophy is never make excuse, under promise and always over deliver. If you loose the trust of your customers, not only is that trust gone, so is your customer.

Are you listening to what your customers are NOT saying? 

As service providers, we are trained and conditioned to identify and learn about our customers’ needs and wants by listening to what they are saying.   As vital as this listening process can be, sometimes we overlook the obvious.  What is NOT being said?  Are we really listening or do we fail to read between the lines and ask the questions that get to real answers?   When the actions of a customer begin to speak louder than his/her words, stop and assess what’s really going on. Remember knowing your customer and developing trust will keep the lines of communication open on both sides.

Is the customer always right? 

I think that the answer will vary depending on who you ask.  Ask the customers and the answer will be an unequivocally YES.  Ask an employee and the answer will probably be just as straightforward, NO.  What will the boss say?  The own/boss/manager, wants the customers to be happy, but at the same time needs to show support to their staff.   What to do and make everyone happy?

I propose the following customer service philosophy.  The customer is not always right. Now before the employees break into the “Happy Dance” and the owners blow a gasket, keep reading.  NO, the customer is not always right, BUT, they should always be treated as if they are right, because if you don’t, there is someone down the street who is just waiting to treat YOUR customer anyway they want to be treated.

Can you see the value of knowing your customers from top to bottom?  Are you building their trust?  Do you understand what makes your customers tick, why they say what they say and what they really mean when they say what they say or do what they do?

Take the time to learn all you can about your customers.  The knowledge gathered regarding your customers and yourself will make the process of growing your business easier and will bring a smile to the faces of all your customers and a big old grin to yours.

Do You Have a Wealth Team?

Dictionary.com defines a TEAM as a number of persons associated in some joint action: a team of advisers. We call them your Wealth Team.  Who do you need on your TEAM?

The creation of your Wealth Team is the most important yet under discussed subject in business circles today. No matter how talented or committed you are as a business owner it is impossible to carry out your vision (WHY) alone.

What are some of the things in your business you really don’t like doing or don’t always have the time to do?

  • Return emails and phone calls
  • Maintain the website
  • Social Media development and updating
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Keeping up with the accounting and bookkeeping
  • Quarterly Taxes
  • Shopping Cart maintenance
  • Customer Service Issues
  • Travel details
  • Event Planning
  • A multitude of details that have to be done attended to on a regular basis

You will need a TEAM behind you! You may need a personal assistant, bookkeeper, a business manager, an attorney, a financial planner, a business coach and/or mentors. Your ability to properly choose these team members will mean the difference of realizing your dream in 1 year 5 years or for some not at all.

Don’t panic.  You may not need them all, or if you do, probably not at the same time.  You may not need a lawyer or financial planner everyday, but one day you will need one. You may want to hire someone to manage the operations of your day to day business.  But you might only need the bookkeeper ten to fifteen hours a month. Only you can decide how much you need your team.  You just need to know who is on the team, that when there is a need they are on the bench so to speak, ready to come in the game and make you a success.

Team members can be full-time, part-time or contract.  There are virtual assistants that charge by the hour, project, or in blocks of time.  Some start as low as $10 per hour up to $50 per hour.  Prices all depend on expertise and times needed. Accountants, lawyers and financial planners are usually fee based. Webmasters, social media managers charge either hourly or by project. An Online Business Managers (OBM) manages your business operations.  These Business Managers (online or offline) are business experts with experience in all areas of small business development and business processes.  Rates vary for hourly to salary plus.  Most business managers will negotiate their fees depending what is needed.  If your business is growing and growing fast, it would be to your advantage to partner with a business manager.

As the Leader of your business you will fill three roles in building your Wealth Team.

  1. Analyze your business now and determine what roles you need to fill now and in the future.
  2. Find and secure these individuals as part of your team.
  3. Carry your Vision to your team and continue to keep it in front of them at all times in a way that continues to inspire and motivate them.

Take the time to talk with others, see who they have on their team.  Just remember that to become a successful business leader you must learn to ask for help when you need it.  Start building your Wealth Team today.

A Special Thanks to Kathleen Smart, Chi Chi Okezie and International Business Academy of Learning for the inspiration and shared content for this article.



Where Has The Time Gone?

Question: If you had four and five extra hours during the day, or even in a week, what would you do with that extra time to grow your business or professional wealth?

You may say, “I don’t have that kind of extra time.” Maybe.  Then what could you do to find that extra time?  Get up earlier?”  Stay up later?  Stop writing?  No more speaking trips.  Stop doing the little things of running my business, like paying bills, taxes, networking or invoicing.  Hire twenty people to do these things.

Let’s look at these for a moment.   There are only twenty-four hours in a day.  You are already up by six, up until midnight.  In-between you are trying to be a good mother, father, son, or daughter.  A social life, I don’t’ think so.  Stop writing and speaking!  This is how you pay the bills, you have to write. You are passionate about writing.  You already ignore the “little” business things, almost to the extinct that they are becoming “huge” business things.   You don’t have the money to afford to hire enough people to do it all.

Thus far we have found reasons (dare I say excuses) for not having the extra time.   OK.  Let’s fantasize for a moment.  Someway you have found the extra time in the day or week or even the month.  It miraculously appeared.  What are you going to do with this extra time?  Think hard.  Extra strategic meeting with my mentor.  More writing, create new products and content for your current clients prospective clients, attend educational seminars and training.  Get that coaching certification,  mentor the business classes at the local high school.  Read those books that are stacked up on the nightstand.  Do that volunteer work you always wanted to do.  And the dreams just keep on coming.

Bottom line there is so much you can do with this elusive extra time.  So where do we find this precious commodity  that is called time.  There are several ways to free up the time or even just use your time more effectively.

1) Work twice as fast.  Not too smart.

2) Work half as much.  Get half the results.

3) Build a team.  More resources allows for more time.

Question:  Who should be on the TEAM? Building the proper team takes time.  You have to establish the responsibilities of the team, whose going to manage the team, and the financial feasibility and of supporting your team.   Whether you team is one assistant or a full-time team of twelve, the end result should always be the same.  Your team is an extension of you, your business, your brand.  Your team can make your business fly or help it crash and burn.

In this case know your WHY and your WHO.


Do You Have a Business or Hobby?

So what makes something a business or a hobby?  Let’s take a look.

  • Why are you in business? Is it just for you or are you looking to make a bigger impact? Is your business just about you? Did you just want to work from home so you could have freedom/flexibility in your day for you and my family? Are you passionate about your business or do you have a hobby with a passion?
  • Do you have the right business structures in place? If you are in business you need to get the proper structures in place – taking care of the legal, insurance, financial and tax side of things. What about the marketing? These are the things that many of us dislike and/or try to ignore… and if we aren’t careful they could truly make or break our businesses.
  • Have you invested in a mentor to help you get clear on strategies to build your business? Or are you just winging it? They say that if a lawyer chooses to represent themselves in court, then they have a fool for a client.  Do you have someone to talk to, or are you just continually talking to yourself?
  • Are you making money? If you are in business and you choose not make money, then it is definitely a hobby.  But if you are in business and one of your goals is to make money and you’re not, then regroup and re-examine your business and personal direction.
  • Are you willing to ask for the help you need?  Or are you trying to learn and do everything yourself? There are many folks who try to save money and do everything themselves.  – this is impossible if you want to grow a business. Not only will you run out of time (especially as your business grows) you will not be able to do a good job of everything… and your business will suffer for it. You need to be willing to invest in getting the right team in place.

What else do you think makes something a business vs. a hobby? What has your journey been like?  What do you think?


Does Your Business Need Help!

(lyrics by The Beatles)

Help”, “help me”, “I sure could use your help”. These words may be the hardest words that an entrepreneur or business owner will ever say.  No one likes to ask for help.  We want to be able to do it all, to be in charge, to be independent and control our destiny. But there comes a time in all business owners’ life where they hit the wall.  This feeling of being stuck, of not knowing where to turn or who to turn to can be frustrating, disabling and very easily can lead to a business and personal disaster if not dealt with properly. Time seems to have run out and everything is beginning to “run a muck”

ASK!.  One line of the lyrics in the Beatles song  Help!, says “there was a time I never needed any help in any way; now I’ve changed my mind and open up the doors”. (paraphrasing)  Open your doors. ASK FOR HELP! There are professionals who specialize in teaching the ABC’s of Success, from the basics to the most complex areas of building a business.  Now is not the time to be shy.

Ask any successful business owner or professional the secret to their success and you may be surprised of what they will say.  Of the top five secrets to their success they almost always say it’s “knowing when to ask for help” and having the right people on their team. Think about it.

Build a Team. Find folks that are experts in areas where you are weak.  You need to do the things you do best.  Do you have a business manager?  A business manager can run the day-to-day operations of your business so that you can concentrate on what you do best.  How about a virtual assistant?  A good VA can be a life saver by doing the little things that you might consider menial but have to be done on a regular basis.   How about a business teacher?  A business teacher is someone who can teach you and/or your team  the best practices of building and growing a successful business.

A professional success strategist can teach you the business-of-doing-business.


What’s Your Plan?

Every year people make New Year’s Resolutions, or establish goals that they would like to accomplish during the coming year. Decisions to lose weight, begin a new business, make more money or start a new hobby are commonly made every year. Often these goals are set or reset by the same people year after year. This leads me to the following questions.

  • What went wrong?
  • Why did it fail?
  • How can I succeed this year?

There are always reasons, or should I say excuses, that can be given as to the lack of success or the failure to meet goals. But I believe the significant answer to all three of these questions is what I call “the plan.” There has to be a plan. When a goal is set, no matter how small, there has to be an action plan. To be successful this action plan must include the systems and processes that must be put into place and then followed  to create the changes necessary to achieve the desired goal. To lose weight there has to be a change in eating habits and the addition of some type of exercise program among other things. A new hobby may require a scheduling system to allow time to participate or even a significant cash outlay. (golf clubs, lessons, green fees can become pricey) Whereas, walking or jogging may not require the high price of equipment (beyond good shoes) but only the time commitment and the will to participate on a regular basis. The action plan does not have to be so elaborate, just a simple process that makes Common Sense and that can be easily accomplished.

Have you set goals for your business this year? If so, do you have “the plan” for each and every goal? There can be multiple plans including a business plan, a marketing plan, an advertising plan, day-to-day business operations plans that include all of the systems and processes that will allow your goal to be achieved. Starting a new or growing an existing business endeavor can be exciting and rewarding, but if you have not developed and are not following the plan, you are setting yourself up for a lot of disappointment.

Many find that developing plans can be a daunting task. This often leads to not planning properly or not planning at all. Remember in a previous lesson, we learned about asking for HELP!  Maybe this should be considered. There are skilled and experienced mentors, advisers, coaches and teachers who specialize in “plan” development and personal growth and are there to help business owners large and small. Just like golf professionals, personal trainers, and nutritionists, business teachers and coaches are available to help you grow your business and reach those goals and resolutions, so you do not have to start all over next New Year’s Eve.

Happy New Year!



The 3 R’s” of Business Ethics

Like to enhance your reputation as an ethical business person and team member? One of the best ways to do that is by focusing on – and mastering – “The 3 R’s”:

The first “R” of business ethics is RESPECT. It’s something that must be applied to people, organizational resources, and your environment. And it includes behaviors such as:

  • Treating everyone (customers, coworkers, vendors, etc.) with dignity and courtesy;
  • Using company supplies, equipment, time, and money appropriately, efficiently, and for the business’ business only;
  • Protecting and improving your work environment, and abiding by all rules and regulations that exist to protect our world and our way of life.

The second “R” of business ethics is RESPONSIBILITY – to your customers, your coworkers, your organization … and to yourself. Included here are behaviors such as:

  • Providing timely, high-quality goods and services;
  • Working collaboratively and carrying your share of the load;
  • Meeting all performance expectations and adding value to everything you’re involved with.

The third “R” of business ethics is RESULTS. More accurately, it’s right results – the kind where the how’s are equal in weight to the what’s … where means to achieving ends are just as important as the ends themselves. Obviously, you’re expected to get results for your organization and for your customers. But you’re also expected to get those results legally and ethically. Allow yourself to lose sight of this, and you jeopardize your business and your career.